Established in 1946, the Mile High Golf Club is the longest prevailing Japanese-American sports organization in Colorado. It was organized shortly after the end of World War II, initially, as an exclusive Japanese men’s golf club. But today, the club welcomes anyone, Japanese, non-Japanese, men or women, that wish to become a member of the organization. Our goal is to provide an open platform where golfers can enjoy a sunday morning round of golf with a diverse group of players at local golf courses here in our beautiful State of Colorado. Players are not required to attend every weekly outing, but instead are allowed to choose which courses they would like to play throughout the summer. We are always looking for new members, so if you are interested in joining, please go to the "Contact" page and send us your information. |
Members not pictured: Audrey Gleason, Kevin Ida, Bill Watada, Heather Yago, Roger Yago.